Growth Scan: A Valuable Tool to Manage High-Risk Pregnancy

Are you an expecting mother wondering about the health and well-being of your little one? One important tool that can provide reassurance is a growth scan or fetal well-being scan. These scans are safe, non-invasive procedures that help to check a baby’s growth and development.

But you might worry about when to get a growth scan, in which week it is done, its cost, or what to expect from reports-no need to worry. I, Dr. Arshad, will provide information about growth scans to ensure your baby’s healthy arrival.

Growth Scan A Valuable Tool to Manage High Risk Pregnancy

Why Would You Need a Growth Scan?

  • If the baby has a normal head but a large abdomen: In this case, a growth scan helps determine if there is excess fluid in the abdomen or if the baby is growing quickly. A growth scan can also assist in accessing the mother’s health, such as gestational diabetes, which may increase abdomen size.
  • If the baby has a normal abdomen but a large head: In this situation, growth scans help to access a baby’s abnormal or stunted development.
  • Accessing the baby’s position and movements: Growth scans help determine the baby’s development and position to plan a safe delivery.
  • For checking amniotic fluids: Growth scans assist in checking the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus, which is important for determining fetal well-being.
  • Tracking the development of multiple pregnancies: Growth scans track the development of twins and complications in multiple pregnancies.
  • Accessing the placenta: Growth or fetal scans also access the placenta’s size, location, and shape to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

In Which Week Growth Scan is done?

Most people ask, when is growth scan done?

A growth Scan is typically done during the third trimester between 28 to 40 weeks of pregnancy.

Note: This time may vary depending on the doctor’s recommendation and the mother’s or fetus’s specific needs.

How long does a Fetal Growth Scan Take?

A fetal growth scan usually takes 30 minutes to an hour to complete. But the precise time may vary depending on the quality of apparatus available, the position of the fetus, and potential abnormalities or complications that may be identified.

Note: You should give full time to your scan and follow the instructions to assure the best growth scan results.

What Happens During Growth Scan?

An ultrasound machine creates images of the developing fetus in the uterus during a fetal growth scan.

During the scan, the sonographer places a gel on the patient’s abdomen and uses a transducer to emit high-frequency sound waves. The sound waves reverberate the fetus and surrounding structures and create images on a computer screen.

The sonographer takes various measurements of the fetus, including head circumference, abdominal circumference, and femur length. Moreover, the healthcare provider also measures amniotic fluid level, position or thickness of the placenta and oxygen level, and blood flow to the umbilical cord and placenta.

After the scan, the gives the growth scan reports to discuss with your gynecologist.

Which Measurements Are Taken During the Growth Scan?

During a fetal growth scan, the following measurements are taken of the fetus:

  • Biparietal diameter (BPD): It measures across the head.
  • Head Circumference (HC): It measures around the head.
  • Abdominal Circumference (AC): It measures around the abdomen.
  • Femur Length (FL): It measures the length of the thigh bone.
Growth Scan A Valuable Tool to Manage High Risk Pregnancy

Growth Scan with Ultrasound

A growth scan with Ultrasound is a routine parental test usually done in the second or third trimester. It is done for the following reasons;

  • To scan the growth and development of the fetus.
  • To check the baby’s position in the uterus.
  • To get a detailed image of the fetus.
  • To evaluate the location or function of the placenta.
  • To access the amount of amniotic fluid.
  • To determine fetal abnormalities and complications.

Growth Scan with Doppler

A growth scan with Doppler uses high-frequency waves to measure oxygen level and blood flow in the placenta to assure a healthy mother and fetus. It is done for the following reasons;

  • To monitor the blood flow and oxygen level in the placenta and umbilical cord.
  • To monitor high-risk pregnancies.
  • To assure a normal pregnancy.
  • To evaluate the function of the placenta and umbilical cord.
  • To make decisions such as timing and mode of delivery.

It’s Price in India?

The price range of fetal growth scans in India ranges between 700 INR to 1500 INR.

Note: The price may vary depending on location, type of scan (Ultrasound or Doppler), or facilities available in the center. Moreover, the price may be higher in private hospitals or specialized clinics.

What does Growth Scan Report Show?

Growth scan reports show the following key features;

  • A growth scan shows the estimated fetal weight based on measurements taken during the scan.
  • Fetal growth scan reports also show the head or abdominal circumference and femur length.
  • It also shows the volume of amniotic fluid.
  • It shows the measurements of blood flow and oxygen level.
  • It also gives the position and thickness of the placenta.

Final Words

In conclusion, a growth or feta well-being scan is an important diagnostic tool during pregnancy. It assures the health and well-being of both the fetus and mother. This scan assists in measuring the growth and development of the fetus, the size of the head, abdomen, and femur. In addition, a growth scan also accesses the size and position of the placenta and blood flow and oxygen level to the umbilical cord.

Thanks for reading this article; we wish you all the best on your journey to parenthood.

Have a Doubts? Book Online Consultancy.

If You are having any doubt then you can book a free online consultancy directly with me, and I will surely guide you. I am Dr. Arshad – MBBS, MRCS ( England ). Just let me know and I will do everything possible to solve your doubts or will guide you.

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Dr. Arshad


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