How To Cure Eye Flu Fast At Home? Effective Home Remedies

Did you know many people get eye flu, also called viral conjunctivitis, each year? It is really irritating and may lead to redness, itching, and discomfort, but fear not. You can cure your eye flu at your home. Yes, you hear right. It’s not always necessary to make an immediate doctor’s visit. 

Now, you may wonder how to cure eye flu fast at home. Many simple and efficient home remedies exist to aid in the swift resolution of eye flu.

In this guide, we’ll introduce simple techniques for treating eye flu within your own four walls. These uncomplicated methods utilize items likely already within your pantry or medicine cabinet. From the calming effect of warm compresses to the therapeutic properties of honey, these remedies harness the power of nature to your advantage.

So, whether experiencing eye flu as a first-time occurrence or a repeated annoyance, these remedies will be helpful. 

Let’s get started on your journey to better eye health!

What Is Eye Flu? What Are Its Symptoms?

Eye flu, also known as viral conjunctivitis, is an infection of the conjunctiva. It affects the delicate, clear layer shielding the front surface of the eye and lining the interior of the eyelids. It is caused by viruses, like those causing the common cold.

Here are some common symptoms of Eye Flu;

  • Redness: The white portion of the eye (sclera) turns noticeably red or pink.
  • Itchiness: Eyes might feel scratchy and irritated.
  • Watery Eyes: Tear production can increase, resulting in watery eyes.
  • Discharge: Eyes might generate a clear or white discharge, possibly crusting over.
  • Grittiness: A sensation like there is sand or grit in the eyes.
  • Sensitivity to Light: Bright lights could cause discomfort.
  • Blurry Vision: Vision may turn temporarily unclear or blurred.
  • Swelling: The eyelids might show signs of puffiness and swelling.

Eye flu is highly contagious and spreads via direct contact with infected eyes or by touching surfaces a person with the infection has touched. Maintaining proper hygiene, such as washing hands regularly, refraining from touching the eyes, and not sharing personal items like towels or makeup, helps in preventing its transmission.

How To Cure Eye Flu Fast At Home? 8 Best Home Remedies

1. Salt Water

As a natural disinfectant, saltwater provides relief for eye irritation. Make a homemade eye rinse by dissolving a teaspoon of salt into a pint of previously boiled and cooled water. Using a clean cotton ball, dab the solution onto your closed eyelids. Repeat this process several times a day to get maximum relief.

2. Green Tea Bags

Bioflavonoids in green tea fight viral and bacterial infections and reduce inflammation. For using it, start by immersing two green tea bags in warm water. After the tea bags have soaked thoroughly, remove them from the water. Make sure you squeeze out any excess liquid. Position the warm tea bags over your closed eyes for a few minutes. You can repeat this process multiple times during the day.

3. Essential Oils

Some essential oils, for instance ther tea tree oil, have antimicrobial properties that are helpful in treating eye flu. Blend 2 to 3 drops of the essential oil with other carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil. Apply the mixture around the eyelid with a clean cotton pad, ensuring it doesn’t come into direct contact with the eyes.

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4. Cold Compressors

Applying cold compresses can alleviate swelling and inflammation related to eye flu. Enclose a few ice cubes in a clean cloth or use a pre-prepared cold pack. Press the cold compress gently against your closed eyes for a few minutes. Repeat this process as needed during the day.

5. Warm Compressors

Much like cold compresses, warm compresses offer discomfort relief and aid in reducing redness. Immerse a clean cloth in warm water, squeeze out the surplus, and position it over your closed eyes. Allow yourself to relax with the warm compress in place for approximately 10 minutes. Do this multiple times a day.

6. Eyebright (Euphrasia

Eyebright, a plant traditionally used in herbal medicine, supports eye health maintenance. Prepare an eyebright tea by immersing the dried herb in hot water. Once cooled, this tea serves as an eyewash. Alternatively, you can buy eyebright drops from health food stores and use them as per package instructions.

7. Wash Linens

Washing your linens frequently, including pillowcases, towels, and washcloths, aids in preventing infection spread. It’s vital not to share these personal items with others during infection to avoid virus transmission. Ideally, employ hot water and a bit of bleach for enhanced sanitation.

8. Honey Eyewash

Honey, recognized for its antibacterial qualities, can transform into a potent eyewash. Mix identical portions of honey with distilled water and stir until they blend well. Using a clean dropper, introduce a few drops of the solution to your eyes. Store any leftover solution in a clean, tightly sealed container.

Tips To Avoid Eye Flu

Here are some useful and effective tips to avoid eye flu:

  • Ensure frequent hand washing with soap and water.
  • Do not touch your eyes with hands that haven’t been washed.
  • Cover your mouth and nose while you are sneezing or coughing.
  • Refrain from sharing your personal items, such as towels or makeup.
  • Properly clean the surfaces that are touched often.
  • Think about wearing eye protection in crowded areas or near people with an infection.
  • Boost your immune system by adopting a diet abundant in vitamins and nutrients.
  • Keep yourself hydrated to enhance your body’s defenses against infections.
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Final Words!

And there you have it! These simple and quick home remedies offer a helping hand in managing eye flu and enhancing your comfort. Whether it’s the use of salt water, tea bags, honey, or cold compresses, these techniques can provide relief. Keep in mind everyone responds differently, so if conditions worsen or show no improvement, consult a doctor. 

Hand hygiene and not sharing personal items, such as towels, is a wise practice to prevent further spread. Remember, avoid excessive eye rubbing. By caring for your eyes and adhering to these suggestions, you pave the way toward a speedy recovery!

1. Which is the best medicine for the eye flu?

The best medicines for eye flu are antihistamine eye drops such as olopatadine and ketotifen. Remember always consult your doctor prior to using any medicine.

2. How long does eye flu last?

Eye flu symptoms generally persist for 1 to 2 weeks but can vary. Consult a doctor if these symptoms continue or worsen.

3. Does eye flu go away on its own?

Yes, eye flu typically resolves on its own within a week or two without specific treatment.

4. What not to do during eye flu?

During eye flu, refrain from rubbing your eyes, using shared personal items like towels, and putting on contact lenses. Upholding good hygiene and using home remedies can be helpful.

5. Can eye flu affect your eyes?

Yes, eye flu impacts your eyes, causing redness, itchiness, watery eyes, and discharge. Remember taking preventive measures to avoid spreading the infection is vital.

Have a Doubts? Book Online Consultancy.

If You are having any doubt then you can book a free online consultancy directly with me, and I will surely guide you. I am Dr. Arshad – MBBS, MRCS ( England ). Just let me know and I will do everything possible to solve your doubts or will guide you.

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